
286.249014, 50.734004

Discovery Date: 2021-04-03 11:19:56 UTC
Discovery MJD: 59307.47
Disc r-Mag: 19.13±0.13
Latest Date: 2021-05-10 10:20:10 UTC
Latest MJD: 59344.43
Latest r-Mag: 19.68±0.17
Peak Mag 18.65±0.09 (r-band)
Peak Date 2021-04-13 10:50:24
Peak MJD 59317.45
Detection Count 14 (excluding 0 neg flux detections)
Equatorial Coords 19:04:59.763, 50:44:2.413
Galactic Coords 81.110174, 18.646343
Ecliptic Coords 305.364239, 72.182181

Transient Name Server

SN Ia SN2021iio

The transient was discovered on 3rd April 2021 at 11:19:40 (MJD 59307.47) by ZTF as ZTF21aascwrr with a discovery magnitude of r = 19.13. It was subsequently classified as a SN Ia at z = 0.086.

Sherlock Contextual Classification

Prediction: Supernova

The transient is possibly associated with 19045946+5044024; a J=14.98 mag galaxy found in the 2MASS/PS1 catalogues. Its located 0.03" S, 2.90" E from the galaxy centre.

Difference Image Lightcurves

Access the data from these plots in the ZTF Alert Packet Data table below. Double click on the plots to see the full lightcurve.

Context Map

Recent Image Stamps




ZTF Alert Packet Data

MJD UTC Filter unforced mag unforced mag status forced flux (μJy) images alert packet
59344.430671 2021-05-10 10:20:10 r 19.680 ± 0.170 +ve target ref diff data
59341.452002 2021-05-07 10:50:52 r 19.612 ± 0.142 +ve target ref diff data
59341.366366 g 20.658 limit
59339.446782 r 20.583 limit
59339.411771 g 20.745 limit
59337.453137 r 20.036 limit
59337.431192 g 19.879 limit
59334.468264 g 19.811 limit
59334.407026 2021-04-30 09:46:07 r 19.527 ± 0.163 +ve target ref diff data
59328.345775 g 19.313 limit
59328.307014 2021-04-24 07:22:06 r 19.272 ± 0.161 +ve target ref diff data
59323.486470 2021-04-19 11:40:30 r 18.946 ± 0.125 +ve target ref diff data
59323.468345 2021-04-19 11:14:24 g 19.100 ± 0.127 +ve target ref diff data
59321.486042 2021-04-17 11:39:54 r 18.839 ± 0.088 +ve target ref diff data
59321.390926 2021-04-17 09:22:55 g 18.920 ± 0.130 +ve target ref diff data
59317.490220 g 20.745 limit
59317.451667 2021-04-13 10:50:24 r 18.650 ± 0.089 +ve target ref diff data
59315.473438 g 20.034 limit
59315.451088 r 19.342 limit
59313.488588 2021-04-09 11:43:34 g 18.740 ± 0.140 +ve target ref diff data
59313.450139 2021-04-09 10:48:12 r 18.698 ± 0.116 +ve target ref diff data
59311.488079 2021-04-07 11:42:49 r 18.778 ± 0.070 +ve target ref diff data
59311.450486 g 20.758 limit
59309.487164 r 20.097 limit
59309.450243 2021-04-05 10:48:21 g 18.796 ± 0.097 +ve target ref diff data
59307.472187 2021-04-03 11:19:56 r 19.125 ± 0.128 +ve target ref diff data
59304.503738 g 18.797 limit
59304.470694 r 19.227 limit
59301.507523 g 19.355 limit
59301.410312 r 18.784 limit
59297.448657 g 19.141 limit
59297.433785 r 19.424 limit
59295.491667 r 20.014 limit
59291.509826 g 20.585 limit
59291.385833 r 19.731 limit
59280.524699 r 19.809 limit
MJD filter unforced_mag unforced_mag_error unforced_mag_status forced_ujy forced_ujy_error
59344.430671 r 19.680 0.170 positive
59341.452002 r 19.612 0.142 positive
59341.366366 g 20.658 limit
59339.446782 r 20.583 limit
59339.411771 g 20.745 limit
59337.453137 r 20.036 limit
59337.431192 g 19.879 limit
59334.468264 g 19.811 limit
59334.407026 r 19.527 0.163 positive
59328.345775 g 19.313 limit
59328.307014 r 19.272 0.161 positive
59323.486470 r 18.946 0.125 positive
59323.468345 g 19.100 0.127 positive
59321.486042 r 18.839 0.088 positive
59321.390926 g 18.920 0.130 positive
59317.490220 g 20.745 limit
59317.451667 r 18.650 0.089 positive
59315.473438 g 20.034 limit
59315.451088 r 19.342 limit
59313.488588 g 18.740 0.140 positive
59313.450139 r 18.698 0.116 positive
59311.488079 r 18.778 0.070 positive
59311.450486 g 20.758 limit
59309.487164 r 20.097 limit
59309.450243 g 18.796 0.097 positive
59307.472187 r 19.125 0.128 positive
59304.503738 g 18.797 limit
59304.470694 r 19.227 limit
59301.507523 g 19.355 limit
59301.410312 r 18.784 limit
59297.448657 g 19.141 limit
59297.433785 r 19.424 limit
59295.491667 r 20.014 limit
59291.509826 g 20.585 limit
59291.385833 r 19.731 limit
59280.524699 r 19.809 limit
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