
228.363793, 25.206642

Discovery Date: 2021-04-03 08:41:15 UTC
Discovery MJD: 59307.36
Disc r-Mag: 19.97±0.18
Latest Date: 2021-05-11 07:38:18 UTC
Latest MJD: 59345.32
Latest r-Mag: 19.69±0.12
Peak Mag 18.79±0.10 (r-band)
Peak Date 2021-04-17 09:39:13
Peak MJD 59321.40
Detection Count 15 (excluding 0 neg flux detections)
Equatorial Coords 15:13:27.310, 25:12:23.910
Galactic Coords 37.629135, 58.181289
Ecliptic Coords 216.879348, 41.278712

Transient Name Server

SN Ia SN2021ihz

The transient was discovered on 3rd April 2021 at 08:41:15 (MJD 59307.36) by ZTF as ZTF21aasaxfg with a discovery magnitude of r = 19.97. It was subsequently classified as a SN Ia at z = 0.070.

Sherlock Contextual Classification

Prediction: Supernova

The transient is possibly associated with SDSS J151327.86+251225.3; a J=12.67 mag galaxy found in the SDSS/2MASS/PS1 catalogues. Its located 1.00" S, 7.73" W (10.2 Kpc) from the galaxy centre. A host z=0.070 implies a m - M = 37.49.

Difference Image Lightcurves

Access the data from these plots in the ZTF Alert Packet Data table below. Double click on the plots to see the full lightcurve.

Context Map

Recent Image Stamps




ZTF Alert Packet Data

MJD UTC Filter unforced mag unforced mag status forced flux (μJy) images alert packet
59345.318264 2021-05-11 07:38:18 r 19.685 ± 0.122 +ve target ref diff data
59342.415961 2021-05-08 09:58:58 r 19.542 ± 0.104 +ve target ref diff data
59342.358264 g 20.741 limit
59340.358947 g 20.815 limit
59340.332882 r 20.674 limit
59338.399861 g 20.599 limit
59338.382338 2021-05-04 09:10:34 r 19.538 ± 0.139 +ve target ref diff data
59335.320232 2021-05-01 07:41:08 r 19.401 ± 0.170 +ve target ref diff data
59335.287558 g 20.399 limit
59329.337743 g 19.500 limit
59329.289618 2021-04-25 06:57:03 r 19.116 ± 0.158 +ve target ref diff data
59329.289618 2021-04-25 06:57:03 r 19.116 ± 0.158 +ve target ref diff data
59329.289618 2021-04-25 06:57:03 r 19.116 ± 0.158 +ve target ref diff data
59325.358194 g 20.240 limit
59325.304340 2021-04-21 07:18:15 r 18.850 ± 0.110 +ve target ref diff data
59323.357951 2021-04-19 08:35:27 r 18.809 ± 0.094 +ve target ref diff data
59323.298785 g 20.413 limit
59321.402234 2021-04-17 09:39:13 r 18.787 ± 0.096 +ve target ref diff data
59321.378403 g 20.921 limit
59317.400926 2021-04-13 09:37:19 r 18.845 ± 0.100 +ve target ref diff data
59317.288982 g 20.941 limit
59315.348611 r 18.941 limit
59315.326204 g 20.837 limit
59313.466018 g 20.513 limit
59313.353310 2021-04-09 08:28:46 r 19.049 ± 0.115 +ve target ref diff data
59311.465961 2021-04-07 11:10:58 r 19.300 ± 0.099 +ve target ref diff data
59311.373970 g 20.940 limit
59309.479132 2021-04-05 11:29:56 r 19.505 ± 0.129 +ve target ref diff data
59309.345035 g 20.732 limit
59307.385474 g 20.467 limit
59307.361991 2021-04-03 08:41:15 r 19.969 ± 0.185 +ve target ref diff data
59304.419433 g 19.170 limit
59304.395127 r 19.129 limit
59302.414063 r 19.133 limit
59302.363958 g 19.347 limit
59300.422546 r 19.382 limit
59300.369537 g 19.121 limit
59297.387315 r 20.012 limit
59297.340208 g 19.628 limit
59295.405556 r 20.327 limit
59295.320984 g 19.752 limit
59292.431100 g 20.854 limit
59292.388831 r 20.655 limit
59290.424340 g 20.874 limit
59290.391574 r 20.681 limit
59278.455486 r 20.056 limit
59278.343958 g 19.898 limit
MJD filter unforced_mag unforced_mag_error unforced_mag_status forced_ujy forced_ujy_error
59345.318264 r 19.685 0.122 positive
59342.415961 r 19.542 0.104 positive
59342.358264 g 20.741 limit
59340.358947 g 20.815 limit
59340.332882 r 20.674 limit
59338.399861 g 20.599 limit
59338.382338 r 19.538 0.139 positive
59335.320232 r 19.401 0.170 positive
59335.287558 g 20.399 limit
59329.337743 g 19.500 limit
59329.289618 r 19.116 0.158 positive
59329.289618 r 19.116 0.158 positive
59329.289618 r 19.116 0.158 positive
59325.358194 g 20.240 limit
59325.304340 r 18.850 0.110 positive
59323.357951 r 18.809 0.094 positive
59323.298785 g 20.413 limit
59321.402234 r 18.787 0.096 positive
59321.378403 g 20.921 limit
59317.400926 r 18.845 0.100 positive
59317.288982 g 20.941 limit
59315.348611 r 18.941 limit
59315.326204 g 20.837 limit
59313.466018 g 20.513 limit
59313.353310 r 19.049 0.115 positive
59311.465961 r 19.300 0.099 positive
59311.373970 g 20.940 limit
59309.479132 r 19.505 0.129 positive
59309.345035 g 20.732 limit
59307.385474 g 20.467 limit
59307.361991 r 19.969 0.185 positive
59304.419433 g 19.170 limit
59304.395127 r 19.129 limit
59302.414063 r 19.133 limit
59302.363958 g 19.347 limit
59300.422546 r 19.382 limit
59300.369537 g 19.121 limit
59297.387315 r 20.012 limit
59297.340208 g 19.628 limit
59295.405556 r 20.327 limit
59295.320984 g 19.752 limit
59292.431100 g 20.854 limit
59292.388831 r 20.655 limit
59290.424340 g 20.874 limit
59290.391574 r 20.681 limit
59278.455486 r 20.056 limit
59278.343958 g 19.898 limit
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