
163.949707, 14.867792

Discovery Date: 2020-10-28 12:25:45 UTC
Discovery MJD: 59150.52
Disc g-Mag: 18.01±0.07
Latest Date: 2020-12-20 11:35:20 UTC
Latest MJD: 59203.48
Latest r-Mag: 20.01±0.17
Peak Mag 18.00±0.08 (r-band)
Peak Date 2020-10-30 11:50:43
Peak MJD 59152.49
Detection Count 28 (excluding 0 neg flux detections)
Equatorial Coords 10:55:47.930, 14:52:4.051
Galactic Coords 231.552719, 60.458298
Ecliptic Coords 159.502255, 7.418769

Transient Name Server

SN Ia SN2020xky

The transient was discovered on 19th October 2020 at 14:51:21 (MJD 59141.62) by ATLAS as ATLAS20bdqk with a discovery magnitude of orange = 18.33. It was subsequently classified as a SN Ia at z = 0.060.

Sherlock Contextual Classification

Prediction: Supernova

The transient is possibly associated with CGCG095-069; a J=12.51 mag galaxy found in the NED/SDSS/2MASS/PS1 catalogues. It's located 7.71 arcsec N, 7.71 arcsec E (12.5 Kpc) from the galaxy centre. A host z=0.060 implies a m - M = 37.15.

Difference Image Lightcurves

Access the data from these plots in the ZTF Alert Packet Data table below. Double click on the plots to see the full lightcurve.

Context Map

Recent Image Stamps




ZTF Alert Packet Data

MJD UTC Filter unforced mag unforced mag status forced flux (μJy) images alert packet
59203.482882 2020-12-20 11:35:20 r 20.007 ± 0.168 +ve target ref diff data
59200.523137 2020-12-17 12:33:19 r 19.972 ± 0.425 +ve target ref diff data
59198.476863 2020-12-15 11:26:40 r 20.027 ± 0.189 +ve target ref diff data
59194.519387 2020-12-11 12:27:55 r 19.773 ± 0.199 +ve target ref diff data
59187.488854 2020-12-04 11:43:57 r 19.545 ± 0.273 +ve target ref diff data
59185.526076 2020-12-02 12:37:33 r 19.485 ± 0.153 +ve target ref diff data
59182.485787 2020-11-29 11:39:31 r 19.152 ± 0.177 +ve target ref diff data
59180.544630 r 19.353 limit
59180.520324 2020-11-27 12:29:16 g 20.052 ± 0.357 +ve target ref diff data
59176.550787 2020-11-23 13:13:07 r 18.885 ± 0.094 +ve target ref diff data
59176.505232 2020-11-23 12:07:32 g 20.044 ± 0.241 +ve target ref diff data
59174.531500 g 19.795 limit
59173.532569 2020-11-20 12:46:53 r 18.936 ± 0.206 +ve target ref diff data
59173.482743 2020-11-20 11:35:09 g 19.745 ± 0.197 +ve target ref diff data
59170.542037 2020-11-17 13:00:31 r 18.736 ± 0.087 +ve target ref diff data
59170.498611 2020-11-17 11:57:59 g 19.365 ± 0.168 +ve target ref diff data
59168.540509 2020-11-15 12:58:20 r 18.648 ± 0.081 +ve target ref diff data
59168.503565 2020-11-15 12:05:07 g 19.224 ± 0.151 +ve target ref diff data
59165.518808 2020-11-12 12:27:05 g 18.933 ± 0.099 +ve target ref diff data
59165.493970 2020-11-12 11:51:18 r 18.600 ± 0.093 +ve target ref diff data
59158.529363 2020-11-05 12:42:16 r 18.282 ± 0.105 +ve target ref diff data
59158.496204 2020-11-05 11:54:31 g 18.392 ± 0.100 +ve target ref diff data
59156.526238 2020-11-03 12:37:46 r 18.246 ± 0.080 +ve target ref diff data
59156.497824 2020-11-03 11:56:52 g 18.091 ± 0.105 +ve target ref diff data
59155.484769 2020-11-02 11:38:03 r 18.114 ± 0.063 +ve target ref diff data
59152.544005 2020-10-30 13:03:21 g 18.022 ± 0.105 +ve target ref diff data
59152.493565 2020-10-30 11:50:43 r 18.004 ± 0.081 +ve target ref diff data
59151.499213 2020-10-29 11:58:52 g 18.060 ± 0.090 +ve target ref diff data
59150.546810 r 19.142 limit
59150.546806 2020-10-28 13:07:24 r 18.032 ± 0.082 +ve target ref diff data
59150.517894 2020-10-28 12:25:45 g 18.010 ± 0.074 +ve target ref diff data
MJD filter unforced_mag unforced_mag_error unforced_mag_status forced_ujy forced_ujy_error
59203.482882 r 20.007 0.168 positive
59200.523137 r 19.972 0.425 positive
59198.476863 r 20.027 0.189 positive
59194.519387 r 19.773 0.199 positive
59187.488854 r 19.545 0.273 positive
59185.526076 r 19.485 0.153 positive
59182.485787 r 19.152 0.177 positive
59180.544630 r 19.353 limit
59180.520324 g 20.052 0.357 positive
59176.550787 r 18.885 0.094 positive
59176.505232 g 20.044 0.241 positive
59174.531500 g 19.795 limit
59173.532569 r 18.936 0.206 positive
59173.482743 g 19.745 0.197 positive
59170.542037 r 18.736 0.087 positive
59170.498611 g 19.365 0.168 positive
59168.540509 r 18.648 0.081 positive
59168.503565 g 19.224 0.151 positive
59165.518808 g 18.933 0.099 positive
59165.493970 r 18.600 0.093 positive
59158.529363 r 18.282 0.105 positive
59158.496204 g 18.392 0.100 positive
59156.526238 r 18.246 0.080 positive
59156.497824 g 18.091 0.105 positive
59155.484769 r 18.114 0.063 positive
59152.544005 g 18.022 0.105 positive
59152.493565 r 18.004 0.081 positive
59151.499213 g 18.060 0.090 positive
59150.546810 r 19.142 limit
59150.546806 r 18.032 0.082 positive
59150.517894 g 18.010 0.074 positive
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