
244.130815, 35.705054

Discovery Date: 2019-10-19 02:16:33 UTC
Discovery MJD: 58775.09
Disc r-Mag: 19.35±0.16
Latest Date: 2024-12-31 12:49:35 UTC
Latest MJD: 60675.53
Latest r-Mag: 19.88±0.19
Peak Mag 18.63±0.21 (r-band)
Peak Date 2019-10-31 02:47:41
Peak MJD 58787.12
Detection Count 7 (excluding 0 neg flux detections)
Equatorial Coords 16:16:31.396, 35:42:18.193
Galactic Coords 57.361446, 45.911195
Ecliptic Coords 231.044200, 55.699597

Transient Name Server

SN Ib/c SN2019svd

The transient was discovered on 19th October 2019 at 02:16:33 (MJD 58775.09) by ZTF as ZTF19acfuzwh with a discovery magnitude of r = 19.35. It was subsequently classified as a SN Ib/c at z = 0.028.

Sherlock Contextual Classification

Prediction: Nuclear Transient

The transient is synonymous with SDSS J161631.35+354218.5; an r=21.22 mag galaxy found in the SDSS catalogue. Its located 0.7" (0.4 Kpc) from the galaxy core. A host z=0.028 implies a m - M = 35.44.

Difference Image Lightcurves

Access the data from these plots in the ZTF Alert Packet Data table below. Double click on the plots to see the full lightcurve.

Context Map

Recent Image Stamps




ZTF Alert Packet Data

MJD UTC Filter unforced mag unforced mag status forced flux (μJy) images alert packet
60675.534433 2024-12-31 12:49:35 r 19.882 ± 0.188 +ve target ref diff data
60673.510486 2024-12-29 12:15:05 r 19.873 ± 0.205 +ve 39.3 ± 5.5 target ref diff data
58787.116458 2019-10-31 02:47:41 r 18.630 ± 0.209 +ve target ref diff data
58782.109919 2019-10-26 02:38:17 r 18.819 ± 0.141 +ve target ref diff data
58778.116724 2019-10-22 02:48:04 g 19.669 ± 0.234 +ve target ref diff data
58775.114873 2019-10-19 02:45:25 g 19.802 ± 0.257 +ve target ref diff data
58775.094826 2019-10-19 02:16:33 r 19.347 ± 0.159 +ve target ref diff data
58771.111540 2019-10-15 02:40:37 g 19.180 limit
58768.120240 2019-10-12 02:53:08 r 19.442 limit
58765.118060 2019-10-09 02:50:00 r 19.874 limit
58761.118190 2019-10-05 02:50:11 r 20.024 limit
58758.131670 2019-10-02 03:09:36 g 20.298 limit
58749.131110 2019-09-23 03:08:47 g 20.327 limit
58749.115420 2019-09-23 02:46:12 r 20.092 limit
MJD filter unforced_mag unforced_mag_error unforced_mag_status forced_ujy forced_ujy_error
60675.534433 r 19.882 0.188 positive
60673.510486 r 19.873 0.205 positive 39.3 5.5
58787.116458 r 18.630 0.209 positive
58782.109919 r 18.819 0.141 positive
58778.116724 g 19.669 0.234 positive
58775.114873 g 19.802 0.257 positive
58775.094826 r 19.347 0.159 positive
58771.111540 g 19.180 limit
58768.120240 r 19.442 limit
58765.118060 r 19.874 limit
58761.118190 r 20.024 limit
58758.131670 g 20.298 limit
58749.131110 g 20.327 limit
58749.115420 r 20.092 limit
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