
148.741778, 37.382840

Discovery Date: 2019-05-31 04:21:09 UTC
Discovery MJD: 58634.18
Disc r-Mag: 18.82±0.09
Latest Date: 2019-06-28 04:25:15 UTC
Latest MJD: 58662.18
Latest r-Mag: 19.29±0.16
Peak Mag 18.48±0.09 (g-band)
Peak Date 2019-06-03 05:48:00
Peak MJD 58637.24
Detection Count 13 (excluding 0 neg flux detections)
Equatorial Coords 09:54:58.027, 37:22:58.225
Galactic Coords 186.064667, 51.678017
Ecliptic Coords 137.620520, 23.143134

Transient Name Server

SN Ia SN2019gef

The transient was discovered on 31st May 2019 at 04:21:10 (MJD 58634.18) by ZTF as ZTF19aavqoyu with a discovery magnitude of g = 18.70. It was subsequently classified as a SN Ia at z = 0.090.

Sherlock Contextual Classification

Prediction: Supernova

The transient is possibly associated with SDSS J095458.01+372259.2; an r=20.84 mag galaxy found in the SDSS/PS1 catalogues. It's located 1.04 arcsec S, 0.20 arcsec W from the galaxy centre.

Difference Image Lightcurves

Access the data from these plots in the ZTF Alert Packet Data table below. Double click on the plots to see the full lightcurve.

Context Map

Recent Image Stamps




ZTF Alert Packet Data

MJD UTC Filter unforced mag unforced mag status forced flux (μJy) images alert packet
58662.184201 2019-06-28 04:25:15 r 19.293 ± 0.158 +ve target ref diff data
58649.220336 2019-06-15 05:17:16 r 18.750 ± 0.128 +ve target ref diff data
58649.177188 2019-06-15 04:15:09 g 18.769 ± 0.167 +ve target ref diff data
58646.214433 2019-06-12 05:08:47 r 18.657 ± 0.125 +ve target ref diff data
58646.191458 2019-06-12 04:35:41 g 18.622 ± 0.133 +ve target ref diff data
58643.244826 2019-06-09 05:52:33 r 18.567 ± 0.098 +ve target ref diff data
58643.172049 2019-06-09 04:07:44 g 18.514 ± 0.085 +ve target ref diff data
58640.224687 2019-06-06 05:23:32 r 18.660 ± 0.093 +ve target ref diff data
58640.175660 2019-06-06 04:12:56 g 18.542 ± 0.101 +ve target ref diff data
58637.241678 2019-06-03 05:48:00 g 18.477 ± 0.087 +ve target ref diff data
58637.174479 2019-06-03 04:11:15 r 18.699 ± 0.079 +ve target ref diff data
58634.204016 2019-05-31 04:53:46 g 18.695 ± 0.084 +ve target ref diff data
58634.181366 2019-05-31 04:21:09 r 18.823 ± 0.085 +ve target ref diff data
58617.227180 r 19.855 limit
58617.185390 g 19.891 limit
58612.198070 r 20.566 limit
58612.177420 g 20.766 limit
58608.219610 r 20.455 limit
58608.193110 g 20.739 limit
58605.214100 g 20.800 limit
MJD filter unforced_mag unforced_mag_error unforced_mag_status forced_ujy forced_ujy_error
58662.184201 r 19.293 0.158 positive
58649.220336 r 18.750 0.128 positive
58649.177188 g 18.769 0.167 positive
58646.214433 r 18.657 0.125 positive
58646.191458 g 18.622 0.133 positive
58643.244826 r 18.567 0.098 positive
58643.172049 g 18.514 0.085 positive
58640.224687 r 18.660 0.093 positive
58640.175660 g 18.542 0.101 positive
58637.241678 g 18.477 0.087 positive
58637.174479 r 18.699 0.079 positive
58634.204016 g 18.695 0.084 positive
58634.181366 r 18.823 0.085 positive
58617.227180 r 19.855 limit
58617.185390 g 19.891 limit
58612.198070 r 20.566 limit
58612.177420 g 20.766 limit
58608.219610 r 20.455 limit
58608.193110 g 20.739 limit
58605.214100 g 20.800 limit
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