
174.126032, 58.899255

Discovery Date: 2019-03-17 07:49:30 UTC
Discovery MJD: 58559.33
Disc g-Mag: 19.55±0.22
Latest Date: 2019-04-26 03:56:20 UTC
Latest MJD: 58599.16
Latest r-Mag: 19.64±0.14
Peak Mag 18.70±0.15 (g-band)
Peak Date 2019-03-25 11:47:25
Peak MJD 58567.49
Detection Count 15 (excluding 0 neg flux detections)
Equatorial Coords 11:36:30.248, 58:53:57.319
Galactic Coords 140.039426, 55.670163
Ecliptic Coords 142.864990, 49.869255

Transient Name Server

SN Ia SN2019cen

The transient was discovered on 17th March 2019 at 07:49:26 (MJD 58559.33) by ZTF as ZTF19aamsnhu with a discovery magnitude of g = 19.55. It was subsequently classified as a SN Ia at z = 0.100.

Sherlock Contextual Classification

Prediction: Supernova

The transient is possibly associated with SDSSJ113630.32%2B585357.5; an r=21.55 mag galaxy found in the NED/SDSS/PS1 catalogues. It's located 0.21 arcsec S, 0.24 arcsec W from the galaxy centre.

Difference Image Lightcurves

Access the data from these plots in the ZTF Alert Packet Data table below. Double click on the plots to see the full lightcurve.

Context Map

Recent Image Stamps




ZTF Alert Packet Data

MJD UTC Filter unforced mag unforced mag status forced flux (μJy) images alert packet
58599.164132 2019-04-26 03:56:20 r 19.640 ± 0.142 +ve target ref diff data
58596.222260 g 20.406 limit
58592.266111 2019-04-19 06:23:11 r 19.319 ± 0.236 +ve target ref diff data
58592.161980 g 19.279 limit
58589.209830 r 17.917 limit
58589.155280 g 18.824 limit
58588.217790 g 17.443 limit
58587.227778 2019-04-14 05:28:00 g 19.608 ± 0.163 +ve target ref diff data
58586.222049 2019-04-13 05:19:44 r 19.284 ± 0.174 +ve target ref diff data
58586.181030 2019-04-13 04:20:41 g 19.477 ± 0.187 +ve target ref diff data
58583.267072 2019-04-10 06:24:35 r 19.192 ± 0.125 +ve target ref diff data
58580.268750 2019-04-07 06:26:59 g 19.140 ± 0.105 +ve target ref diff data
58580.248044 2019-04-07 05:57:11 g 19.074 ± 0.100 +ve target ref diff data
58575.282708 2019-04-02 06:47:05 g 18.879 ± 0.088 +ve target ref diff data
58575.244549 2019-04-02 05:52:08 r 18.815 ± 0.175 +ve target ref diff data
58572.284074 2019-03-30 06:49:04 r 18.847 ± 0.138 +ve target ref diff data
58572.267037 2019-03-30 06:24:31 g 18.818 ± 0.116 +ve target ref diff data
58567.491262 2019-03-25 11:47:25 g 18.704 ± 0.151 +ve target ref diff data
58567.239931 2019-03-25 05:45:30 r 19.024 ± 0.100 +ve target ref diff data
58559.326042 2019-03-17 07:49:30 g 19.546 ± 0.221 +ve target ref diff data
58559.235600 r 19.732 limit
58556.348590 g 19.708 limit
58556.199580 r 19.544 limit
58546.280430 g 20.393 limit
58543.303990 g 20.466 limit
58543.256180 r 19.485 limit
58538.305500 g 19.145 limit
58538.220430 r 17.472 limit
MJD filter unforced_mag unforced_mag_error unforced_mag_status forced_ujy forced_ujy_error
58599.164132 r 19.640 0.142 positive
58596.222260 g 20.406 limit
58592.266111 r 19.319 0.236 positive
58592.161980 g 19.279 limit
58589.209830 r 17.917 limit
58589.155280 g 18.824 limit
58588.217790 g 17.443 limit
58587.227778 g 19.608 0.163 positive
58586.222049 r 19.284 0.174 positive
58586.181030 g 19.477 0.187 positive
58583.267072 r 19.192 0.125 positive
58580.268750 g 19.140 0.105 positive
58580.248044 g 19.074 0.100 positive
58575.282708 g 18.879 0.088 positive
58575.244549 r 18.815 0.175 positive
58572.284074 r 18.847 0.138 positive
58572.267037 g 18.818 0.116 positive
58567.491262 g 18.704 0.151 positive
58567.239931 r 19.024 0.100 positive
58559.326042 g 19.546 0.221 positive
58559.235600 r 19.732 limit
58556.348590 g 19.708 limit
58556.199580 r 19.544 limit
58546.280430 g 20.393 limit
58543.303990 g 20.466 limit
58543.256180 r 19.485 limit
58538.305500 g 19.145 limit
58538.220430 r 17.472 limit
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