
154.773003, 14.404515

Discovery Date: 2021-10-17 12:32:19 UTC
Discovery MJD: 59504.52
Disc r-Mag: 19.26±0.20
Latest Date: 2023-04-24 04:49:49 UTC
Latest MJD: 60058.20
Latest r-Mag: 19.80±0.19
Peak Mag 18.57±0.10 (g-band)
Peak Date 2022-05-04 06:30:37
Peak MJD 59703.27
Detection Count 10 (excluding 2 neg flux detections)
Equatorial Coords 10:19:5.521, 14:24:16.253
Galactic Coords 224.860415, 52.363872
Ecliptic Coords 151.400834, 3.671347

Transient Name Server

SN Ia SN2022jjs

The transient was discovered on 30th April 2022 at 04:42:14 (MJD 59699.20) by ZTF as ZTF18aaaonon with a discovery magnitude of g = 19.39. It was subsequently classified as a SN Ia at z = 0.071.

Sherlock Contextual Classification

Prediction: Nuclear Transient

The transient is synonymous with 2MASXJ10190549%2B1424173; an r=16.48 mag galaxy found in the NED/SDSS catalogues. Its located 0.8" (1.1 Kpc) from the galaxy core. A host z=0.071 implies a m - M = 37.54.

Difference Image Lightcurves

Access the data from these plots in the ZTF Alert Packet Data table below. Double click on the plots to see the full lightcurve.

Context Map

Recent Image Stamps




ZTF Alert Packet Data

MJD UTC Filter unforced mag unforced mag status forced flux (μJy) images alert packet
60058.201262 2023-04-24 04:49:49 r 19.796 ± 0.195 -ve target ref diff data
60058.172986 g 20.399 limit
60056.267847 r 20.372 limit
60056.225139 g 20.537 limit
60054.170648 g 20.212 limit
60052.215162 g 20.570 limit
60052.194190 r 20.523 limit
60050.170498 g 20.646 limit
60046.190833 g 20.765 limit
60044.202836 r 20.398 limit
60042.298021 r 18.817 limit
60031.259757 r 20.153 limit
60031.212141 g 20.207 limit
59718.207824 2022-05-19 04:59:16 r 19.171 ± 0.103 +ve target ref diff data
59715.215139 2022-05-16 05:09:48 g 18.973 ± 0.124 +ve target ref diff data
59713.214375 r 19.463 limit
59713.195567 2022-05-14 04:41:36 g 18.710 ± 0.166 +ve target ref diff data
59711.256262 2022-05-12 06:09:01 r 18.833 ± 0.211 +ve target ref diff data
59711.171620 2022-05-12 04:07:08 g 18.815 ± 0.155 +ve target ref diff data
59703.280046 2022-05-04 06:43:16 r 18.858 ± 0.129 +ve target ref diff data
59703.271262 2022-05-04 06:30:37 g 18.566 ± 0.101 +ve target ref diff data
59701.204977 2022-05-02 04:55:10 r 18.992 ± 0.100 +ve target ref diff data
59701.185752 2022-05-02 04:27:28 g 19.008 ± 0.109 +ve target ref diff data
59699.196273 2022-04-30 04:42:37 g 19.390 ± 0.180 +ve target ref diff data
59697.187083 r 20.402 limit
59695.257338 g 18.758 limit
59695.213981 r 19.094 limit
59693.214190 g 20.295 limit
59693.192049 r 20.055 limit
59689.298947 g 19.275 limit
59689.170613 r 19.693 limit
59687.353993 r 18.919 limit
59687.261852 g 19.475 limit
59684.318900 r 18.996 limit
59684.278889 g 19.039 limit
59680.214954 r 18.792 limit
59678.311748 g 20.060 limit
59678.235590 r 20.273 limit
59676.341863 r 19.579 limit
59674.394387 g 19.710 limit
59674.304421 r 20.302 limit
59671.403762 g 20.250 limit
59671.320671 r 20.519 limit
59504.522454 2021-10-17 12:32:19 r 19.256 ± 0.199 -ve target ref diff data
59504.520035 r 20.049 limit
59504.517616 r 20.060 limit
59503.527477 r 19.592 limit
59503.524977 r 19.736 limit
59503.522477 r 19.549 limit
59503.519988 r 19.635 limit
59503.517500 r 19.625 limit
59498.538264 r 18.654 limit
59498.535880 r 18.920 limit
59498.533484 r 19.083 limit
59498.531100 r 19.265 limit
59498.528704 r 19.260 limit
59497.537199 r 18.602 limit
59497.534815 r 18.946 limit
59497.532419 r 18.895 limit
59497.530035 r 19.246 limit
59497.527639 r 19.344 limit
MJD filter unforced_mag unforced_mag_error unforced_mag_status forced_ujy forced_ujy_error
60058.201262 r 19.796 0.195 negative
60058.172986 g 20.399 limit
60056.267847 r 20.372 limit
60056.225139 g 20.537 limit
60054.170648 g 20.212 limit
60052.215162 g 20.570 limit
60052.194190 r 20.523 limit
60050.170498 g 20.646 limit
60046.190833 g 20.765 limit
60044.202836 r 20.398 limit
60042.298021 r 18.817 limit
60031.259757 r 20.153 limit
60031.212141 g 20.207 limit
59718.207824 r 19.171 0.103 positive
59715.215139 g 18.973 0.124 positive
59713.214375 r 19.463 limit
59713.195567 g 18.710 0.166 positive
59711.256262 r 18.833 0.211 positive
59711.171620 g 18.815 0.155 positive
59703.280046 r 18.858 0.129 positive
59703.271262 g 18.566 0.101 positive
59701.204977 r 18.992 0.100 positive
59701.185752 g 19.008 0.109 positive
59699.196273 g 19.390 0.180 positive
59697.187083 r 20.402 limit
59695.257338 g 18.758 limit
59695.213981 r 19.094 limit
59693.214190 g 20.295 limit
59693.192049 r 20.055 limit
59689.298947 g 19.275 limit
59689.170613 r 19.693 limit
59687.353993 r 18.919 limit
59687.261852 g 19.475 limit
59684.318900 r 18.996 limit
59684.278889 g 19.039 limit
59680.214954 r 18.792 limit
59678.311748 g 20.060 limit
59678.235590 r 20.273 limit
59676.341863 r 19.579 limit
59674.394387 g 19.710 limit
59674.304421 r 20.302 limit
59671.403762 g 20.250 limit
59671.320671 r 20.519 limit
59504.522454 r 19.256 0.199 negative
59504.520035 r 20.049 limit
59504.517616 r 20.060 limit
59503.527477 r 19.592 limit
59503.524977 r 19.736 limit
59503.522477 r 19.549 limit
59503.519988 r 19.635 limit
59503.517500 r 19.625 limit
59498.538264 r 18.654 limit
59498.535880 r 18.920 limit
59498.533484 r 19.083 limit
59498.531100 r 19.265 limit
59498.528704 r 19.260 limit
59497.537199 r 18.602 limit
59497.534815 r 18.946 limit
59497.532419 r 18.895 limit
59497.530035 r 19.246 limit
59497.527639 r 19.344 limit
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