Latest ZTF Transient Alerts Map

This skymap shows the most recent, bright (<17 Mag) ZTF transient detections, coloured by their predicted type. The longer ago the transient was last detected, the smaller and fainter its marker. Click on a markers for information about an object, and then on the 'ZTF' transient ID for full information.
Possible Supernova
Nuclear Transient
Cataclysmic Variable
Active Galaxy
Mellinger color optical survey - Copyright 2000-2017 Axel Mellinger. All rights reserved.

Latest ZTF Transient Alerts Table

A list of transients found in the map above
objectId ramean decmean gmag rmag last detected predicted type
ZTF18abtjkdh 311.04063 -10.723500 14.917 14.649 6.9 AGN
ZTF18abtjmpx 317.19356 -3.842204 19.687 16.228 6.9 CV
ZTF24aahfdxp 310.84072 55.359846 15.396 13.823 6.9 SN
ZTF17aaadzll 308.56058 50.801633 16.730 16.887 6.9 CV
ZTF18adbldck 324.43829 -14.548742 16.879 16.929 6.9 AGN
ZTF18abscpyf 7.52400 26.290522 17.217 16.191 6.6 CV
ZTF18adnclbq 343.49064 16.148198 17.827 16.935 6.6 AGN
ZTF24abiakgm 53.92145 -8.491898 16.626 14.885 6.6 SN
ZTF18abcoxgp 329.38467 8.920747 18.152 16.911 5.9 CV
ZTF18abecurw 325.97751 12.749396 16.485 17.661 5.9 CV
ZTF18abtoupn 314.43778 25.507115 15.869 14.905 5.9 CV
ZTF18abjuxmo 330.86756 30.943429 16.967 16.475 5.9 CV
ZTF18aazvhdb 311.79078 41.923966 14.715 15.644 5.9 CV
ZTF18abwfkvl 9.65651 79.360320 17.595 16.470 5.9 CV
ZTF17aaaeoeh 13.07499 53.863890 17.222 16.719 5.6 CV
ZTF17aaaslvp 30.95253 29.990358 17.263 16.604 5.6 CV
ZTF18admdwxv 24.15420 32.011121 13.978 14.483 5.6 CV
ZTF18aabeypj 47.43841 29.880730 15.788 15.337 5.6 AGN
ZTF17aaaeoum 26.26363 37.942483 15.536 15.188 5.6 CV
ZTF24abfrrug 2.87047 59.136430 16.443 14.646 5.6 SN
ZTF18acfxetr 36.59714 71.308708 14.344 16.929 5.6 CV
ZTF18acrwtsm 28.33759 74.772772 17.125 16.724 5.6 CV
ZTF18abotfmi 40.71333 56.691967 19.162 16.913 5.6 CV
ZTF24aavmnbq 47.78780 73.764767 15.352 13.856 5.6 SN
ZTF18abmjmrp 53.06464 58.789509 16.132 16.186 5.6 CV
ZTF17aaanzaz 52.76846 17.427861 15.964 17.559 5.6 AGN
ZTF24aavslwu 43.19922 1.927161 15.397 13.916 5.6 SN
ZTF24abgdcwn 46.62789 -7.684242 15.131 13.741 5.6 SN
ZTF24aawmvue 329.23897 -1.898423 15.323 13.780 4.9 SN
ZTF18achfgqj 341.29683 -1.509790 15.699 15.419 4.7 NT
ZTF18absqpag 34.32134 8.617808 16.986 4.7 AGN
ZTF18abtrowl 11.83076 14.703479 17.217 16.967 4.6 AGN
ZTF18abzyqas 349.18014 1.277866 15.102 15.194 4.6 AGN
ZTF17aaadqia 345.28322 -1.967919 15.991 15.296 4.6 AGN
ZTF17aaawxgz 347.29033 0.636503 16.835 18.504 4.6 AGN
ZTF18absgnqy 349.01510 -5.452519 19.486 16.906 4.6 CV
ZTF18abtehyb 344.32207 7.720104 16.868 16.255 4.6 AGN
ZTF17aaakpyj 8.89874 46.397865 14.993 15.044 4.6 CV
ZTF18aabezmq 35.66506 43.035473 15.932 15.400 4.6 AGN
ZTF18aboegab 56.52610 29.687384 16.241 15.796 4.6 CV
ZTF18abtmsgp 53.45418 29.275421 17.359 16.851 4.6 AGN
ZTF18acgphfu 51.17148 34.179400 16.542 16.140 4.6 AGN
ZTF19adljdpm 59.36668 35.621144 16.956 16.987 4.6 SN
ZTF18achqjmj 53.32827 37.303106 17.877 16.920 4.6 AGN
ZTF19abdkhpc 30.88916 72.548207 17.850 16.888 4.6 AGN
ZTF17aaaslud 62.14577 51.246702 14.022 14.104 4.6 CV
ZTF18abvllnd 61.81159 -6.740347 16.444 16.295 4.6 CV
ZTF18acbxvkv 13.71716 25.427520 16.915 16.940 4.6 AGN
ZTF18aaagwgy 143.02177 3.725650 14.317 4.5 AGN
ZTF18admdrre 323.99717 5.450181 15.627 16.321 3.9 CV
ZTF18abosglv 350.96699 42.182910 17.145 16.707 3.9 AGN
ZTF18abcoywh 339.09362 28.482625 16.608 16.212 3.7 AGN
ZTF18abcplfr 347.05793 56.454733 14.726 14.593 3.7 CV
ZTF18admqfrd 341.12808 47.109241 16.948 17.073 3.7 SN
ZTF21abuxuus 20.46459 -28.349343 15.833 15.908 3.7 AGN
ZTF17aaaentq 347.60881 66.558773 16.886 16.816 3.7 CV
ZTF18abmehmi 334.54564 65.705477 15.564 15.311 3.7 CV
ZTF18adncohx 7.52401 26.290520 17.742 16.738 3.6 CV
ZTF18abimesz 10.23085 43.416488 16.180 16.498 3.6 CV
ZTF18abakkox 1.54165 55.980612 16.230 15.929 3.6 CV
ZTF17aadloln 24.23109 7.274763 17.001 16.901 3.6 CV
ZTF17aaafjsi 22.99939 29.822771 17.195 16.601 3.6 CV
ZTF18aabfcyi 18.88414 37.626557 14.842 16.939 3.6 CV
ZTF18achbdgm 24.13580 39.099755 16.229 15.806 3.6 AGN
ZTF18abuwcgq 44.42008 -16.512777 16.774 16.807 3.6 AGN
ZTF19abotngc 351.70986 82.369815 15.532 15.333 3.6 CV
ZTF18aczbiab 36.26174 -23.213467 16.924 17.086 3.6 AGN
ZTF18acdyhxt 350.49942 27.546230 14.640 14.087 3.6 AGN
ZTF24aaabljq 161.68764 29.909393 16.377 3.5 SN
ZTF18accngpc 151.85894 12.815698 16.645 1.5 AGN
ZTF18aabjjas 146.13195 3.968073 16.503 1.5 CV
ZTF18adncicj 12.67214 -9.484784 16.170 15.906 0.9 AGN
ZTF24abfxhta 1.07116 -8.646064 16.466 16.497 0.6 SN
ZTF17aaajlfw 166.41576 25.107683 15.946 0.5 CV
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